Annual U!REKA Networking Conference
U!REKA Connects, in Ghent, Belgium
ConferenceThe U!REKA Connects Conference, which was originally planned from 22 - 23 November 2021 in Ghent, has been rescheduled. The new dates are 16-18 May, 2022.
The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance, U!REKA, consists of seven urban focused higher education institutions across Europe.
Hosted by HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts, the 6th U!REKA Connects Conference brings together the consortium for blended workshops and networking.
Due to the Covid-19 situation in Europe, the event was posponted from November 2021 to Spring 2022. More information on the conference will be shared in due course.
U!REKA Connects: practical information
- 16-18 May 2022, Ghent
- Venue/host: HOGENT University of Applied Sciences and Arts (blended: on-campus + online)
Programme and registration: please see the HOGENT website for the full conference programme and registration information.
The Urban Research and Education Knowledge Alliance (U!REKA) is a consortium of eight European universities of applied sciences in Amsterdam, Edinburgh, Frankfurt, Ghent, Helsinki, Ostrava and Lisbon. We collaborate in various ways to educate, shape and empower the European professionals of tomorrow. Our annual conferences are the highlight of the year for our network, bringing together colleagues from across Europe to strengthen our alliance.
More information on U!REKA: